Sunday 19 September 2010

Katy Perry Proudly responds to Russells Arrest,Heidi and Spencer are back together*rolls eyes*

Katy Perry took to twitter yesterday to justify the actions of her husband to be. Letting the world know that
"The Brands" aren’t to be "fucked with”. Russell, who has now been released on a $20,000 bail charge, was apprehended at LAX Airport after a citizen’s arrest was performed on him.
Katy Perry Tweets for her man

Katy Perry and Russell Brand became a self styled "super couple" in the past year, pronouncing their love to the world via Twitter and behaving sickeningly in love with each other. They have yet to rub this in our faces though. They do not use the relationship to gain any kind of media platform and they are genuinely happy with each other.

All in all, they probably didn’t deserve this incident to happen. I cannot and will not excuse Russell’s behaviour. Yes we get angry, yes the paparazzi have a tendency to be unbelievably over zealous and blood thirsty in their attempts to get the "money shot" but you have asked for this career. You both have chosen to be in the spot light and this comes with a price

They can’t in anyway be compared the vile sub human creatures Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt, who were pictured this week "reunited" at a charity event after Months of threatening to split

For those who are unfamiliar with this couple. They met on the (UN) Reality show The Hills and through the course of 6 seasons managed to alienate their friends and become one of the most hated couples in America .Spencer Pratt was eventually asked to leave the show after he threatened to kill one of the show’s producers...

The couple who announced their divorce at the start of the summer, have in all honestly been "dicking" around, Spencer becoming a recluse and a wannabe Howard Hughes and Heidi tried and I believe
failed to become a "real actress" (ala Satine in Moulin Rouge,by the way)

Whores,Courtesy of

They played a fantastic game of cat and mouse; there were twitter wars and pictures of Heidi crying. It was a hoax
As big of a hoax as Heidi’s terrifying plastic breasts.

 Spencer Pratt and his meal ticket Heidi would WELCOME the chance to have a camera placed in a suspicious position. They would enjoy the media attention that would be gained by an arrest. They are what are entirely wrong with the culture of celebrity n this day and age. And complete Dicks. All done

next time: Billie Bhalli and his busines empire *sniggers*

Tuesday 24 August 2010

Ultimate Big Brother ( or Ultimate Career Rescue)

Josie Gibson has won Big Brother 11, the final Big Brother and arguably the best series of Big Brother since it’s incarnation 11 years ago.

The public have voted for a genuine personality, who every girl wants to go and get pissed with on a Friday night. Josie is the kind of girl to hold your hair back whilst you vomit the 6 Jagerbombs; you stupidly thought you could get away with.

And that my friends, makes her goldust.

She is the Queen among normal women everywhere, endearing and honest
Why then did Big Brother think it would be a good idea to sour the winners victory, more over steal their thunder by sending egotistical "z listers" to live with them for a further three weeks.

In my humble opinion I believe this was a big mistake on BBs part, yes the ratings will be a smash, yes money will be made but they had just regained the shows soul, it was back, intact and the perfect way to end a show which at time has pushed itself too far.

This is the legacy of big brother now; Makosi now has the chance to have sex with John Mccririck in the bath whilst Chantelle and Preston dance around the issue of living under the same roof again (for two weeks mind, after which they will have secured their OK! magazine spread) Nikki and Chantelle will bury the hatchet and become firm friends on the outside, this will lead to a column in Star magazine (oh yes! I said Star magazine) Preston can finally release a new single and Coolio can just well go back to whatever his seems to do.

-We eat it up. We Love it-

To paraphrase a young and naive Chantelle, they are all now "Living the dream". Are you though?

Ask yourself where the other "greats" are. Pete Bennett? Aisleyne Horgan-Wallace? Well, they have probably moved on with their lives Aisleyne Horgan-Wallace now frequents festivals with the King of cutting remarks Charlie Brooker and Pete...Well Pete is on twitter now. The point is what might have happened is that they actually realised that to return to the house will not bring any positively to their floundering careers.

Back to Josie,she will sink into the background surrounded by large and overbearing personalities. That isn’t on; she has earned her time in the limelight and for once is a deserving winner.

The thing is I’ve got a feeling she would rather be tucked up in bed with a cuppa right now.